This is okay to use and okay to apply. The brush was slightly wonky and hard to work with at first, but I got the hang of it. It's okay drying about 3-4 minutes for one coat. I applied one thick coat here. It's a nice black with little bits of glitter, they are quite subtle and you need to good lighting (and eyesight) to see them! Lasted well.
Easy to use =7/10
Application = 6/10 dodgy brush
Drying time = 7/10
Lasted well = 8/10
Coats = 1 thick
Finish = glossy with subtle glitter
Removal = no idea put a glitter top coat on it - would guess at easy!
Overall = 6/10 (because of bad brush)
Purchased from = Asda
My Personal Rating = 7/10 it's nice :-)