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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Sally Hansen Sugar Coat Lick-O-Rich

So this is the last of the first set of Sugar Coat polishes.

This is easy to use, easy to apply and fairly quick drying. It's a nice black texture polish. Quite like this one too. Lasted okay but did have a little bit of tip wear with this one.

Easy to use = 8/10
Application = 8/10
Drying time = 8/10
Lasted well = 7/10
Coats = 2
Finish = texture
Removal = easy used the foil method
Overall = 8/10
Purchased from = Poundland

My Personal Rating = 8/10 really like this one too

Final thoughts on the collection
Most of them were good quality, the only one that wasn't was Sour Apple. My 2 clear favourites are Sugar Fix (white) and Sweetie (yellow). My least favourite was Cherry Drop (red). All in all I'd say this has been a good series and if you like textures then I recommend these :-)


  1. It looks a bit asphalt-like and it's an interesting idea to make black sugar ;) I don't wear black at the moment, I am tempted sometimes. The whole series seems to be similar yet different, all colours present something else, a different mood, even pink ones are different from each other in mood. These nail polishes don't include glitter but they look like I could wear them too, even if I prefer those glitter ones. Pity that was the last one because I was looking forward to watch them. Btw I really like your blog, it's natural and I feel very well here.

    1. Yeah it does a bit actually. I thought the idea of a black texture was interesting! I like black, it's a colour I never used to wear, but it has grown on me the older I get.

      I wasn't sure at first about them since they didn't have glitter but I do like them and couldn't resist getting them so cheap! Bargain.

      Thanks I'm glad you like it and glad you visit it! I like your blog too and enjoy reading your posts :-)

  2. Black is elegant, that's for sure, and with the texture it looks surprising and eye-catching.

  3. i totally agree with notcopyacat about the mood thing. this reminds me of carbonite a bit and i find it interesting too, which makes it an evil mood one, and for this reason, though i'm not a textured fan at all, I think I'd wear this more then others. Unfortunately, just as notcopyacat, I don't easely wear a whole black swatch, you gotta have the right style or personality, and I think it may suite you better then me.

    1. Yeah. I'm okay with black actually and it usually looks fine on me! :-)
