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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Monday, 12 May 2014

Avon Shipwreck

This is a fairly recent release from Avon.

(with added cat hair ;->)

This is easy to use, easy to apply and quick drying (1 minute for each coat). The brush is really good, it seems to have got better since I lasted used an Avon polish! It's a kinda lime green with flakies. Lasted well. One problem, I wore this a good few days back and I've still got a few flakies - they are a devil to remove, even scraping them off is hard!

Easy to use = 8/10
Application = 8/10
Drying time = 9/10
Lasted well = 8/10
Coats = 2
Finish = glossy with flakies/small shards
Removal = tricky even with the foil :-|
Overall = 7/10
Purchased from = Avon website

My Personal Rating = 6.5/10 it's okay - not that fussed by the colour tho


  1. this is so different and cartoonish, really cool and it looks like a magic potion, love the name

  2. It is one of the colors most people either hate or love, at least I know it doesn't look pretty on me ;)
    But it does on you!
    And, ahhh - the cat hairs, I know that problem all too well hahaha

    1. Yeah I know what you mean. I guess you never really know until you try a colour for yourself.

      Thanks! Hehe yeah they get everywhere don't they ;-)

  3. Wow, it looks veeeery juicy :) I like the colour, but I guess I prefer watching it on screen than on my nails, I still find some greens hard to wear. But I like the photos very much, this nail polish is like a fruit :) Don't worry about cat's hair, I've noticed them after taking some photos lately too. She just looses too much hair ;)

    1. Yeah I suppose it does! I thought the colour was okay - but I did like the effect! Some greens are hard to wear yeah. :-)

      Hehe yeah I think it's the time of year when they cast hair like mad and my two females are very hairy!

    2. It is OK on you, very OK :)

  4. I know what it reminds me: insides of a green grape :D

    1. Haha that's a good point! Grapes are quite tasty :-)

  5. Nice one, I like it! I plan to buy at least the blue one (don't remember its name :D) from the new range in Speed Dry line:)

    1. I'm glad you like it!

      I got most of them - they all look pretty cool. I'll need to wear them soon :-)

  6. Love this color! So juicy:)
    Ps. I'm following your great blog!:)

    1. Glad you like it - yeah juciy :-)

      Cool and thanks. I'm following you too :-)
