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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Seventeen - Polka Dots ~ Black Red Mix

I put this on top of the last post - Collection 2000 Mint Mojo

This is easy to use, easy to apply and good drying (3 minutes a coat). It is more dabbing really, than painting on. It is nice but I think this has faded. It is maybe 7 years old or so. Some nail polishes do fade over the years. The pink dots should be red! Regardless of the fading, it does look okay on the green I think. This lasted well.

Easy to use = 8/10
Application = 7/10
Drying time = 7/10
Lasted well = 8/10
Coats = 1 but more dabbing on
Finish = glitter
Removal = easy with foil method, let soak for 3 minutes though
Overall = 7/10
Purchased from = Boots a long time ago!

My Personal Rating = 7/10


  1. Despite the fading, this still looks really pretty! What a lovely way to do something different with your nail look :D

    1. It really does and that is what I thought :-D

  2. A very festive look :)

    All the best Jan

  3. Even though its faded it's still a pretty glitter mix.

  4. Adoro!!! Um verniz bastante festivo, apesar dos tons se apresentarem mais desvanecidos... mas eu gosto imenso dos tons assim! Combinam mais com imensas tonalidades de roupa, por exemplo...
    Adorei! E é uma boa opção também, para se usar, agora nas quadras festivas, seja de Natal ou Fim de Ano!
    Beijinhos! Bom fim de semana!

    1. Yes it still looks festive despite the fading and would be ideal for Xmas or NY eve for sure! Thanks :-D

  5. Oh how fun are these!! I use something similar in a metallic finish and I love it!

    Allie of

  6. That's very fun and festive, I like that :)
