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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Asda George 49 Hoax

This might be the first of many posts with short nails :-( *sniff sniff* I wanted to learn how to play the bass and my husband is teaching me, but said I'll need short nails on my left hand. So I've had to cut them really short, for the love of the bass!

Indoors with flash.

*hehe* I kept my right hand nails long.
Without flash.

Gorgeous purple colour, a must for all purple addicts out there! This is easy to use, easy to apply and has a fairly decent brush. 2 coats are needed as 1 is too streaky. Quick drying, as the bottle states! And surprisingly didn't scuff, like some of the other George's I've used! So no top coat if you are only gonna wear it for a few days.

7 out of 10 for this. Used to be £1 from Asda, but now £1.75 - still a bargain!


  1. your nails are still nice short! plus its totally worth it to learn bass :P

  2. Hehe thanks :-)

    It was something I was worried about when I took a fancy for playing. But I'm getting by okay, just miss having the long nails. Still getting my head around cutting the left hand every few days :-S
