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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Technic Black Mirror

I put this on top of Filthy Gorgeous Air-Kiss.

This is easy to use, easy to apply and slow drying (I lost count after about 6 minutes!). It's a pretty glitter, with holo glitter and black glitters. I really like the black bits! Lasted well.

****Upon removal I noticed that I had staining! I'm not sure if it was the blue alone or the addition of the glitter?****

Easy to use = 8/10
Application = 8/10 no dabbing required
Drying time = 6/10
Lasted well = 8/10
Coats = 1
Finish = glittery
Removal = easy used tin foil and let soak for about a minute or so
Overall = 7/10
Purchased from = Bodycare instore

My Personal Rating = 7/10


  1. Great combo. This nail polish looks very well and it's so shiny in the bottle! I like it. Pity about drying time.

    1. I thought it worked well together! Yeah it was really slow :-|

  2. I like it a lot!
    Sometimes glitter makes the underneath polish stain, it's sooo weird :)

    1. Glad you like it! :-)

      I know it is weird!!

  3. Staining is so annoying - it would be interesting to know if it's the blue or the combo :(

    1. Yeah it is! I know I must find out one day soon! :-)

  4. thanks dear :)

    I love glitter soooo much :) thanks for the inspiration

  5. i adore this top coat! i think i will just have to absolutely be shown all of your stash and choose the many bottles we will need to go shopping for!!! haha!! yey, this is finally real!!! i'm going to arrive and finally see you and your bottles!!!

    1. Oh wow that will take a good bit of time. We can get some seats and have a good look at it! :-) Have you started a list yet lol?

      I know - it's so exciting :-D

  6. bummer about staining, since it's a beautiful combo! it was probably the blue, i've never had a glitter stain..

    1. Yeah! Happened a few times with glitter on top of the base colour! I'll need to find out if it was the polish alone hehe :-)

  7. Very cool glitter!
