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I have been Blogging since 2011. I first started with 2 Blogs about nail polish, which I do from time to time. My main focus is on my more recent Blog which is about photography, mainly nature and wildlife. Welcome to my little world :-)

Monday, 14 July 2014

Rimmel Drop Of Sherry

To my knowledge, this is the oldest polish I own. I got it in the early 1990s. So it's about that old, I must have been about 10 or 11 years old when I got it - hehe clue to my age ;-)

This is easy to use, easy to apply and okay drying (about 3 minutes for a coat - not bad for an older polish). Considering the age, it's in good condition. Not gloopy or anything. I usually take good care of my polishes hehe! The colour is okay. It is funny how my tastes have changed over the years! Lasted really well.

Easy to use = 8/10
Application = 8/10
Drying time = 7/10
Lasted well = 8/10
Coats = 1
Finish = glossy
Removal = easy
Overall = 8/10
Purchased from = no idea - my memory isn't that good!

My Personal Rating = 7/10 :-)


  1. *bowing respectfully for the old polish lady*
    I love seeing old polishes, and in my experience they work just as well as when they were new if you take good care of them, like you obviously did - thanks for showing it!

    1. Hehe :-)

      Yeah I think it's important to look after them! Some of them do!!! :-)

  2. I like watching older nail polishes. The Rimmel bottle looks so different and the nail polish looks well still.

    1. Yeah me too! It's interesting! It is so different hehe :-)

    2. And I see you've used almost a half of it :D

    3. Haha yeah! But remember how old it is :-)

  3. This shade is so gorgeous. I have one similar to this one.

    Daisy l KlassicKitty

  4. How amazing that it has kept so well after 10 years! I have a shade quite similar to this one actually.

    1. I know! I can't quite believe it myself hehe! Yeah I think it's quite a popular colour :-)

  5. Whoa, Rimmel was around in the '90s? What a trip! It took them long enough to come stateside, lol. It's so fun, pulling out and wearing the oldies. I swear no one knew how to make anything beyond frosts for a while, though. lol.

    1. Rimmel has been around for a long time over here! The bottle is so old looking! Yeah it is sometimes interesting to see the oldies. Hehe yeah! :-)

  6. my polish tastes have also changed a lot but I think popular polish colors have changed too! I don't have any of my first polishes anymore but I remember a lot of frosts/shimmers... also bar glitter which i hate now lol

    1. Me too! Things do change so much over the years! :-)

      I'm still unsure about bar glitter - some of it can be okay. :-)

  7. I love seeing older polishes now and again, it's cool that they seems to last forever! :)

    1. I love seeing old polishes too :)

    2. Yeah it is interesting to do that! And see what they are like :-)

    3. Hehe old polishes seem popular around here :-)

  8. Woww! You got this in early 90's?! Seriously?!! I just born that time!! Lol! Like Marias NailArt said, *bowing respectfully for the old polish lady* Hehe. You'r so amazing. I love this color btw. It looks really nice and natural. One of my fav color! :D

    1. Yeah I'm old lol :-p

      Glad you like the colour :-) Thanks :-)

  9. This polish is nice, especially for the time is must have came out when things were more pearlescent. I too had polishes in 90's but used them all up ;)

    1. It really is a nice one. Something a bit different for the time! Do you remember those old Rimmel bottles haha! This one is still surviving in the Helmer.

    2. I don't think I had any from Rimmel back then, was mainly Barry M and La Femme. It's surviving well!

    3. Wow early Barry Ms - do you have any photos on your blog of them? Never tried La Femme!

    4. I don't have any photos, didn't start blogging until 2010 which is a shame as retro bottles be good to look back on.

    5. Ahh okay I started in 2011. I would be nice to have seen them. I like seeing the older stuff :-D
